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      赵保宪律师,男,汉族,1972年9月出生,大学学历,双学位。现执业于优秀、文明律师事务所—山东国宗律师事务所,为该所高级合伙人。      专业办理:全国范围内刑事辩护案件,疑难复杂民商事案件。      赵保宪律师,从事律师职业近二十年,秉承“专业专心、勤勉敬业”的执业理念,在处理业务中认真细致、思虑缜密,办事稳重,为人诚实质朴,和蔼可亲,热心助人,特别是对弱势当事人倾注满腔热情,用法律的阳光温暖着一个又一个需要法律帮助的家庭,用法制的力量感动着一个又一个需要法律帮助的人,被当事人亲切地誉为“平民律师”、“值得交心的律师朋友”。                                    执业期间,先后办理了:某市单人赔偿数额最大的一起医疗事故索赔案,某市第一起消费者购车试驾纠纷案(消费者胜诉),免费办理了某市最有影响的一起校园事故伤害索赔案,办理了吴某某重大交通肇事案(该案中受害人员三死一重伤),孙某某放火案,陈某、程某故意伤害致死案,季某抢劫杀人案,吴某、史某等团伙系列抢劫案,元某贩卖毒品案,林某非法经营案,震惊某省的于某某、雷某某等绑架焚尸案;曾免费为23名贵州籍农民工追讨欠薪10万余元,还处理了某市第一起期货交易纠纷等等大量的民事、刑事等诉讼及非诉讼案件,依法准确,及时、最大限度地维护了当事人的合法权益。特别是上述校园事故伤害索赔案的办理,推动了教育主管部门对全市各类学校校园安全的强力整改活动,取得了良好的社会效应;免费为23名贵州籍农民工追讨欠薪,维护了弱势群体的合法权益,维护了法律的尊严。      赵保宪律师,多年潜心研究刑事辩护及各类疑难复杂案件、新型案件,注重将法律理论与律师实务有机结合,先后写出《医疗事故风险防范及对策》、《校园事故伤害责任探析》、《刑事诉讼中未成年人权益保护浅论》、《团伙犯罪之辩护技巧》、《企业用工管理及劳动争议应对措施简析》、《合同纠纷案中诚实信用原则适用初探》、《普通民事纠纷中权利义务一致原则适用技巧》等多篇具有探索及实践意义的论文。 赵保宪律师,现担任多家企业、事业单位的法律顾问,为其规范运营,预防风险,作出了不懈努力。      赵保宪律师,凭借深厚的法律知识功底,精熟的法律实务技巧,为需要法律帮助的朋友,解疑答惑,排忧解难,依法维权,竭尽全力!   “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。赵保宪律师,愿凭自己的真诚和不懈努力,扎扎实实,做好每一件法律服务事项,依法维护当事人合法权益的最大化,为推进中国法治进程、构建和谐社会,为实现中华民族复兴的伟大中国梦,作出应有的贡献。

   详情请登录:www.shandongzhaolvshi.com  ; www.shandonglvshi.net ;
    咨询热线:13562672268(微信同号); QQ:1870086340     E-mail:zhaobx-1972@163.com       邮编:261021     地址:山东省潍坊市健康东街世博国际大厦B座17楼 山东国宗律师事务所 Mr.Zhao Baoxian     Mr.Zhao Baoxian,he is one of the famous excellent lawyer in China, and also he is a social celebrity lawyer, he is Han nationality, was born in Sept.1972 ,he has university  degree,double degree,master of  law。Now he is working in the best、civilized law firm  — Shandong GuoZong law firm,and he is the senior partner of this law firm 。His license certification No.:13707200910851313.    In 2012,Mr.Zhao Baoxian that he with a solid foundation of legal theory、legal practice experience of senior professional、good word of mouth reputation、strong sense of social responsibility and influence in the bar, Zhao Baoxian was one of the success of Chinese contemporary outstanding lawyer and his name was included in the first list。    Mr. Zhao Baoxian ,the classic case he handled repeatedly selected to host of China lawyers Association 《Chinese Law Yearbook》。    In 2013 Jan,14th,in the Chinese law and the national criminal Bar Association Professional Committee held the sixth session of the national criminal defense forum and the 2013 criminal defense Summit,Mr. Zhao Baoxian was named the national outstanding criminal defense attorney, he submit the statement of defense was named outstanding defense, and he won the first prize.    In Sept.14th,2013, the 1 Chinese Lawyer Internet congress held in Guangzhou city, Mr.Zhao Baoxian as VIP guests attended by the majority of Internet users, and the experts unanimously voted as "China Top Ten Network lawyer".     Professional management: a nationwide criminal defense cases, complicated civil and commercial cases     Mr. Zhao Baoxian that his occupation for more than ten years, now he is a member of China Lawyers Association, members of Shandong Lawyers association of criminal defense lawyers association, senior professional lawyers, Changjiang alliance of professional senior lawyers, "3 • 15" consumer rights crackdown special counsel of rural migrant workers in cities, legal aid lawyer。     Mr. Zhao Baoxian adhering to the "professional, diligent practice philosophy", in business, in carefully thought out, work sedate, honest, plain, be courteous and accessible, helpful, especially to disadvantaged party enthusiastic, with the legal warm to help one by one family that need , with legal force to move another need legal help, party being affectionately known as "civilian lawyer", "worthy of your lawyer friend"。                                   During his practice period,he has handled with:the amount of compensation in a medical accident maximum claim (ushered in the area of medical accident compensation to compensation standards applicable precedent personal injury),in one city the first case of the consumer purchase a car test drive a dispute(Consumers win),free for the city's most influential campus accident injury claims in one city(Shandong Provincial Higher People's Court of final revision to win),for name of  Wu’s  major traffic accident case(In the case of 3 victims dead 1 injured),name of Sun’s arson case(Life channel of Beijing TV reported the case, set off an upsurge of the discussion about the mental health of migrant workers),name of Chen’s、Cheng’s in intentional injury case that one person killed ,name of Ji’s case in rob and kill person(Shandong Province Higher People's court final judgment commuted stay of execution),name of Wu’s、Shi’s case of gang series of robberies,Yuan’s  selling  drugs( Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court of final appeal commuted to 15 years in prison),Lin’s case in illegal business operation,shocked by the province name of Yu’s、Lei’s case in kidnap burnt bodies(The case for the provincial public security department to supervise the handling of cases,that name of Mu by a higher people's court sentenced to 15 years in prison and Zhao Baoxian defended for him,in this case name of Yu and Lei were sentenced to the death penalty, death with reprieve),one city the first case in “drunk in driving”(the defendant name of Yu was sentenced to probation),Mr. Zhao Baoxian once free of charge for the 23 Guizhou city migrant workers to recover their wages of more than 100 thousand yuan(TV station reported this case ),also Zhao Baoxian  deals in the futures trade dispute and so on a large number of civil, criminal litigation and non litigation cases according to law, accurate, timely, to maximize the maintenance of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Especially for the campus accident injury claims, promoted the education department in charge of the various schools of campus safety strong rectification activities, and achieved good social effects; free for 23 Guizhou city migrant workers recover wages, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups, maintaining the dignity of the law。     Mr. Zhao Baoxian for many years of painstaking research criminal defense and all kinds of difficult and complicated cases, new case, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice of lawyer law, he has written《The medical accident risk prevention and Countermeasures》, 《Campus accidents responsibility》,《Criminal proceedings in the protection of minors》, 《 The Gang of advocacy》,《Enterprise labor management and measures of labor disputes》,《Contract dispute case of honesty and credit principle of》,《General civil disputes of rights and obligations agreed principles apply skills》and other articles have to explore and practice meaning of the thesis. In addition, Mr. Zhao Baoxian also participated in China legal newspaper, Chinese lawyer magazine and other organizations in the legal knowledge contest, and won many awards。     Mr. Zhao Baoxian now as legal adviser that he servicing for many enterprises, institutions, to regulate the operation, has made unremitting efforts to prevent risks。     Mr. Zhao Baoxian now servicing for many media, TV guest consultation, human rights lawyer, he is willing with profound legal knowledge, legal practice skill mastery, Frank to communicate with friends from all walks of life, legal reasoning, and common progress! For those friends need legal help, eliminating confusion, exclude the difficulty and anxiety, to adults, strain every nerve!    “The way ahead is so long, I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending. ”, Zhao Baoxian may through his sincere and unremitting efforts, do a solid job every piece of legal services, the maximum safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties in accordance with the law, and make its due contribution to promote the process of Chinese legal system, constructing the harmonious society。 Website: www.shandongzhaolvshi.com  ; www.shandonglvshi.net ; Mobile phone:13562672268;   QQ:1870086340 E-mail:zhaobx-1972@163.com   post No.:261021 Law firm address: Shandong province Weifang city Xiangyang road No.26 on the 3 floor (50 meters west at north of Weifang Intermediate People’s Court )

QQ 咨询:1870086340

手机:13562672268(同微信)  邮箱:zhaobx-1972@163.com 地址:潍坊市奎文区健康东街世博国际大厦B座17层
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